Aufnahme von Spitzenforschern in Frankreich
Seit dem 2. April 2014 unterstützt die französische Forschungsförderagentur (ANR) Forschungsaufenthalte von hochrangigen Wissenschaftlern sowie von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern aus aller Welt in Frankreich.
Das Mobilitätsprogramm „Accueil de chercheurs de haut niveau“ („Aufnahme von Spitzenforschern“) bietet Wissenschaftlern die Gelegenheit, ein eigenes Forscherteam in Frankreich bei einer exzellenten Forschungseinrichtung oder einem -labor für ein 3-4-jähriges Forschungsprojekt aufzubauen. Unterstützt werden in erster Linie Projektthemen, die in Frankreich bislang nicht oder kaum erforscht wurden. Die Finanzierung der ANR deckt die Löhne der Forscher (vollständig oder teilweise) und die Kosten für die Ausstattung und die Betriebskosten des Projektes ab.
The call for proposals is open to all scientific domains and targets two researcher profiles: leading world-class scientists whose career is widely recognised across the globe, and young researchers with high potential who can prove a record of excellence on the international scene.
The reply to this call is a collaborative effort between the researcher and the hosting institution.
The indicative range of ANR funding for this instrument is between €150 k and €900 k.
– For the researchers: conduct research in France under excellent conditions
The chosen candidates will be hosted in a very high quality environment and attributed substantial resources to ensure the success of their scientific work, with a view to encouraging long-term residence in France.
The ANR funding will enable the successful candidate to set up a research team and carry out an ambitious 3 to 4 year project with high impact on a scientific subject that has received little, if any, attention in France. The ANR funding can cover all or part of the researcher’s salary as well as the operating and equipment expenses.
The conditions of candidacy are simple:
- reside abroad (or have arrived in France recently)
- for young researchers: have spent at least 24 months outside the French territory during their post-doctoral career, and have defended their thesis before 1st July 2012
- for the other researchers: have spent the majority of their career abroad
There is no age limit for candidates.
Once the ANR funding has been set up, the candidates must be able to move to France rapidly. The candidates are expected to give a long-term commitment.
They will be encouraged to present themselves for the competitive recruitments opened in the French research organisations. If a candidate is hired on a permanent contract („CDI“ in French), the ANR funding may be maintained and used to increase the impact and deployment of the research carried out in the project. Moreover, funding portability is provided for under certain conditions if a CDI is obtained, which means that the researcher can change laboratory during the project.
– For the research institutions: attract high-level foreign researchers
This initiative, which is intended only for organisations situated on French territory, aims at increasing ties between foreign laboratories and French research institutions so as to give the latter enhanced visibility and appeal while enabling them to integrate new international networks.
The initiative is designed to bring benefit to the entire French higher education and research system. The substantial and lasting investment of the successful researchers should create impacts and competitiveness.
A strong commitment is required on the part of the hosting organisations: right from the project proposal stage and in collaboration with the candidate researcher they must detail the means that will be provided, including the resources not covered by ANR funding. ANR will establish the grant agreement with the hosting organisation, not with the researcher.
This initiative supplements and reinforces the other funding instruments of the same type existing at national and European level.
Weitere Informationen: Webseite des Programms „Accueil de chercheurs de haut niveau“ (auf Englisch oder Französisch) –
Quelle: “ Accueil de chercheurs de haut niveau : un dispositif gagnant-gagnant“, Pressemitteilung der ANR – 02.04.2014 –
Redakteur: Kenny Abbey,